· Excel services with a focus on design and usability
· Excel experts with business acumen (15+ years of experience)
· Competitive rates based on project scope ($75-$90/hour)
· Here is the type of work you can expect from our team:

 Budget Planner:
 Retirement Planner:
 Business Planner Finacial Dashboard:

How much will it cost?

Our rate is $75-$95 per hour depending on the project scope and requirements. Larger projects are priced at lower rates.

Do you bill on a fixed fee or an hourly basis?

If your specifications are well documented, we can provide a fixed fee proposal for the project. Well defined projects allow us to accurately size the scope of the project and reduce your cost.

How many status updates can I expect?

We pride ourselves in keeping a steady line of communication with our clients. We generally provide updates once a week (or less if the project is smaller).

When will I be billed for the project?

We prefer to break up the charges into multiple payments - one small up front payment and the rest based on milestones. This provides our clients with ease of mind and allows us to manage our resources appropriately.


Request a quote by contacting us at: services@simpleplanning.com

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6007 S. Lockwood Ridge Rd., Sarasota 34231

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